New Summer Recipe: Fresh Salmon Smash Burgers | Dish on Fish
Featured Dish/ Salmon

New Summer Recipe Alert: Fresh Salmon Smash Burgers

Hey there, Seafoodies! 

While we are fans of this classic dish all year round, we must admit our average burger consumption definitely spikes during the summer. But we’re always looking for a way to upgrade our dishes in taste and nutrients, so we created a better-for-you option that still has all the big, bold flavors everyone knows and loves! 

Enter…our Salmon Smash Burgers with Sriracha Mayo! 

Picture this: Juicy salmon patties, topped with a zesty sriracha sauce. Yes, these burgers are guaranteed to be a hit at your next backyard barbecue or weeknight dinner. (Yeah, these burgers are simple enough for an easy weeknight dinner!)

First, we simply dice our salmon fillets, season with a blend of spices, gently form them into rounds and drop them onto a hot grill or griddle. Then comes the secret move that really ups the flavor —the all-important smash!  Pressing down on the patty with a spatula or burger press results in a perfect sear on the outside of the salmon, locking in all of the juices and seasoning.  The result? Crispy edges, moist patty and a burst of savory goodness in every bite. Spoiler alert: One tester raved that these are the best salmon burger he’s ever eaten. 

And not only are these delicious, these salmon burgers are also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, B vitamins, vitamin D and selenium. Yes, these burgers deliver big when it comes to superstar nutrients that will keep your heart and brain healthy and support summer skin and high energy levels.

And to top it all off, we’ve got you covered with our homemade sriracha mayo! Creamy, spicy and oh-so-addictive, this sauce adds a kick of flavor and can be customized or omitted to suit your spice and dietary preferences. All that’s left is to assemble everything on a toasted brioche bun or a crispy lettuce wrap! Whether you prefer to add additional toppings like tomato and onion or want to get creative with avocado, pickled onions or crispy bacon, the choice is yours.

So fire up the grill or start warming up your griddle, gather your friends and family and enjoy an outstanding salmon burger experience! 

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Salmon Smash Burgers with Sriracha Mayo

  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 pounds skinless, boneless salmon fillets
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 6 Tablespoons panko or breadcrumbs
  • 2 Tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 Tablespoons sriracha
  • 1 avocado, sliced (optional)
  • 2 cups arugula (optional)
  • 4 brioche buns or roll of choice


  1. Place salmon on cutting board; cut crosswise into very thin ¼-inch strips. Now, cut salmon into very thin strips going in opposite direction so that salmon is almost diced. Continue dicing until salmon pieces are very small and almost mashed in consistency.
  2. On top of mashed salmon, add garlic, dill, garlic powder, salt, pepper and panko or breadcrumbs. Then, using the side of the knife, fold herbs and panko into salmon; keep folding until mixed in. Form into a giant rectangular patty and cut into 4 squares.
  3. Heat griddle over medium high heat; add olive oil to pan.
  4. When griddle is hot, form one patty square into a ball. Place salmon patty ball on griddle, place parchment paper on top of salmon ball and press down using a spatula or smash burger press. Repeat with remaining salmon balls until all are on griddle. Cook for about 5 minutes on each side, or until salmon is cooked through and golden and crispy on both sides.
  5. While salmon burgers are cooking, prepare sriracha-mayo. Mix mayonnaise and sriracha in a small bowl; mix with a fork or small whisk until well-combined.
  6. Remove burgers from griddle; set aside. Place buns on griddle, cut side down; cook for about 2 minutes. Remove buns, spread with sriracha mayo, and top with burger, avocado slices and arugula, if desired. 


Recommended utensils: griddle, cutting board, knife, spatula or griddle press, parchment paper, small mixing bowl, fork or small whisk

  • Author: Dish on Fish
  • Cuisine: Salmon

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