Dishing with… This Week for Dinner | Dish on Fish
“Dishing with…”/ Pregnancy & Family

Dishing with… This Week for Dinner

This month we chatted with seafood-loving blogger, graphic designer, food writer, mom and wife Jane Maynard from This Week for Dinner. Jane launched her blog 10 years ago which showcases her family’s weekly meal plans – which, of course, include seafood! See what Jane has to say about kids, seafood and healthy eating.

Maple Glazed Salmon

Tell us about you and your blog.

I am a wife and mom (to three great kiddos) living in the San Diego area. I’m also a graphic designer, food writer, photographer and chocolate lover. I’ve been working as a graphic designer for what feels like forever and, in addition, I started my food blog This Week for Dinner nearly 10 years ago. Each Sunday I post our family’s weekly dinner plan, and then my amazing, wonderful readers comment with their own menus for the week. The site is an invaluable source for real dinner ideas that I could not live without! In addition to the meal plans, I share recipes, favorite products, books and more on my blog.

What is your favorite seafood dish to make at home or order at a restaurant?

My husband is allergic to shellfish, so I always order shellfish at restaurants to get my fix! My most-favorite thing to order is baked stuffed shrimp. As far as a favorite seafood dish to make at home, it’s definitely grilled salmon tacos. They are to die for!

Any words of wisdom for parents who have picky eaters? How did you get your kids to eat seafood?

Feeding kids is one of the hardest parts of parenting. As for seafood specifically, all the seafood I’ve presented to my kids over the years has always been really tasty, so there’s generally been no reason to not like it, and we’ve had pretty good success with that. For example, my kids love the grilled salmon tacos I make, and they often skip the taco shell and just eat the salmon! They also know that seafood is healthy – that is actually a motivating factor for them.

What is your go-to seafood meal for busy nights?

Grilled salmon outdoors on the barbecue. It’s so easy and there’s very little cleanup, since I grill the salmon on a piece of foil.

What’s next on your “must-make” seafood list?

My mother-in-law made me a lobster roll this summer while we were visiting Cape Cod and it was divine. I need to learn how to make it myself so I can have it more than once a year!


Here are some of our favorite seafood dishes from This Week for Dinner:

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